Genius5 Windselect®

Many residents of dust-intensive systems have problems with coarse dust. We specialize in sampling coarse dust. Whether wind direction-dependent measurement with the Windselect® or "Point of Source" measurement, we support you in planning the measurement. Whether coarse dust measurement or aerosol measurement, we have the right system.

Both systems are also available for rent and experience has shown that they are mainly used during construction work and legal disputes.

Genius5 Windselect

The advantages of the Genius5 Windselect® at a glance

  • Wind direction-dependent distinction between source and background
  • 3. Cartridge for calm
  • Calm from 0 to 3 m / s freely adjustable
  • 6 cartridge types enable the sampling of many pollutants from the air
  • Collection of coarse dust included
  • 20 years of experience



Monitoring of industrial zones

POPs escape during incineration of waste containing chlorine, from landfills or from metallurgical plants. Many of these sources do not have a measurement platform, so that direct measurement at the source is difficult.
The Windselect system enables convenient measurements in the vicinity of the system by comparing ambient values ​​with the source values.

Gas and oil fields

Oil and gas fields, especially fracking plants, emit dust, PAHs, mercury and arsenic. Excess gas is partially burned in gas flares or gas engines without filtering.
The Windselect system reliably monitors the content of these substances to protect neighbours.

Particulate matter

Many industrial processes generate fine dust, which is spread partly from chimneys and partly diffusely. In the vicinity, the coarse dust is usually a problem for the neighbors, as it precipitates in the area.
The Windselect system measures fine and coarse dust as the sum of chimney emissions and diffuse sources. Wind direction-dependent sampling immediately recognizes the cause.

Monitoring of mercury

The Windselect quickly detects the source by measuring the differences in the ambient air. Sectors are easy to configure.

Genius5 Windselect im Einsatz (in Taranto)

Above:  The Genius5 Windselect in 2021. System has been measuring since 2009 in the southern Italian city of Taranto, which has long suffered from harmful emissions of Ilva steelworks.

Display mit Daten und Windrichtungssektoren bei Windselect

Data display and configuration of the Windselect

The wind directions are divided into 16 sectors, the frequency of each sector is added up during the measurement. The measured wind speeds are also divided into 6 classes. This gives you a quick overview of the measurement results. In addition these data are stored every 15 minutes on USB memory stick, to evaluate the results in MS Excel.

Above: Display with data and wind direction sectors at Windselect

Sectors for background and source are assigned to the cartridges in the configuration. A threshold level is used for the 3rd cartridge. For example, the "Calm" cartridge is sampled below 2 m / s. Above this speed, "Sector 1" or "Sector 2" cartridges are allocated according to the configuration.

Display Kartuschen-Konfiguration bei Windselect

Above: Display cartridge configuration

Calibrated impactors for precise cutpoints

The impactors of the Windselect system were calibrated against reference materials in the United Kingdom. The cutpoints were set in relation to the number of holes and the mean diameter of the holes. This created a modular system that can be adapted to all tasks.

The PM10 impactor also advantageously collects the fraction larger than 10 µm on a filter paper. PM1 and PM2.5 impactors can be easily adapted to the flow rate, the cutpoints correspond to a flow of 4.2 m3 / h with 400 boreholes, with a reduced number of boreholes it can also be 2.3 m3 / h or 1 m3 / h the dust will be collected.

The PM10 impactor for the separate collection of the fraction larger than 10 µm is now available as a compact unit with d = 47 mm for the fraction <10 µm, a pump and temperature-compensated gas meter. Practical for quickly reviewing complaints from residents.

Above: Impactor design is calibrated against reference material

Above: Compact coarse dust sampler

Replacement parts and refills

We offer replacement parts and refills for all our products, of course also for the AiO system. Please send your requests to

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