Genius5® Covid-19-Tester

Our Covid-19 tester is based on the scientifically proven impairment of the olfactory sense by SARS-CoV-2 viruses from the 2nd day after infection.

The tester injects one of three odours into a stream of air. If the test person recognizes the odour within a reaction time, the test is positive.

If the first smell is not recognized, the test is repeated with all 3 smells. If no odour is detected when the test is repeated, the clinical criterion "impairment of the sense of smell" is met. The test person is saved in a suspected list with the participant number.

With up to 120 tests per hour, the Genius5-CoV-19 tester is ideal for monitoring larger groups of people in restaurants, hotels, companies, schools, sports and leisure facilities in order to detect suspected Covid-19 cases at an early stage!


The advantages of the Covid-19 tester
at a glance

  • Contact-free (non-invasive) test procedure
  • Automatic adjustment of the odor threshold concentration
  • Database for up to 600 subjects
  • Individual storage of the last results
  • Quick result

How the odor tester works

Studies on the use of the Covid-19 tester completed.

Many Covid-19 infected people observe an impairment of the sense of smell during and after the infection. Due to inflammation and the destruction of cells in the olfactory mucosa, the odour threshold increases from the 2nd day after a new infection, usually associated with fatigue and headaches. The odour is only recognized with a high concentration of fragrance molecules.

In 2021, French researchers demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 viruses can destroy olfactory hairs (cilia), the sorption surface for olfactory receptors. Fewer odour molecules are absorbed from the air, fewer odour receptors send a signal to the mitral cells to indicate the odour. In addition, inflammations occur in the entire olfactory bulb - the odour threshold rises, the Genius5 odour tester proves this.u

In the first study it was shown that particularly fruity smells are badly recognized by infected people. Our odour tester measures the reaction time for recognizing odour near the odour threshold and uses it to assess the olfactory hair system, odour receptor up to the mitral cells.

In 50% of those infected, this impairment disappears after 14 days, in 40% the sense of smell remains disturbed for several months. The French study also shows the connection between olfactory disorders and persistent viruses in the olfactory bulb. As soon as the cilia have grown back, typically after 10 days, the viruses no longer reach the surface, but they evade conventional tests.

In our last study, the odour thresholds of healthy children for the 3 smells lemon, eucalyptus and cherry were systematically determined and saved as a database in the odour tester. The odour tester can use a comparison to test whether there is still persistent inflammation in the olfactory bulb in those who have “recovered”.

SARS-CoV-2 and olfactory disorder | © original illustrations: Olfacttory system Wikipedia

SARS-CoV-2 and olfactory disorder
© original illustrations: Olfactory system - Olfactory system - Wikipedia

Due to the rapid analysis, the test can be carried out on groups of up to 600 people per day. The combination with a PCR test reduces the risk of infection for the individual in a group, as results are available quickly.

Covid-19-Tester in use


  • Detection of SARS-CoV-2 inflammation centers in the olfactory bulb that cannot be detected with the PCR test
  • Periodic testing for improvement of the sense of smell after recovery
  • For Long-Covid patients to precisely determine improvements
  • Increased safety through combination with antigen and PCR test
  • Preselection of the PCR samples for pooling (mixed sample) to save costs and time

The Genius5-Covid-19 tester delivers quick
and precise results.

More details and Information

Have a look at our current
Covid-19 tester brochure  (pdf)

Replacement parts and refills

We offer replacement parts and refills for all our products, of course also for the Covid-19-Tester. Please send your requests to

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