We develop and produce small series of measurement systems for current needs. Whether for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 infected people, emissions trading of fossil CO2 or protection of residents from dust, odor and pollutants, we have inexpensive instruments.
The Genius5® odor tester, which detects the clinical Covid-19 symptom “sudden olfactory disturbance” earlier than the person affected, is particularly up-to-date. Clever with children and adolescents, where 90% of the olfactory disorders indicate a Covid-19 infection. Healthy people are recognized within seconds.
CE certified smell test to detect SARS-CoV-2 in school, sport and wellness
To dilute wet gases. Perfect application before and after odor filters in combination with odor sensors
Continuous and accurate determination of biogenic ratio using C14 method of EN/ISO 13833
Save surveillance of metals and isotope emissions in power plants and production using EN 14385 and EN 13211
For determination of fine and coarse dust at plants with diffuse dust emissions
2542 Kottingbrunn, Anzengrubergasse 27f | Austria
T: +43 676 430 438 3 | F: +43 2252 890 346 15
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